When should a dog owner not own a dog ?

When there a chav with 2 kids and one teenager husband . . why do people presume that anyone can own a dog !

Over the past week or so since we’ve had Blue, we’ve kept on seeing a tan collie cross running around the field opposite our house with no owner in site, it just runs around annoying everyone and trying to mount any dog that’s in heat, ours included, it shits all over the football pitches that kids use and seeing as there’s no owner to clear up after it some poor kids going to one day end up covered in dog poo, now if that is’nt bad enough it nearly caused a crash on Monday . . we were walking Blue across a busy road and this dog decides it wants to sniff Blues bits and pieces, so just dash’s out into the middle of the road with not a care in the world, that is until it hears a screeching or brakes and suddenly realises that a bloody big bus is bearing down on it, lucky for the dog and the bus’s passengers the driver managed to avoid it.

Since then we’ve spoken to other dog owners on the field who have informed us that they always see the dog running around, but never see the owner with it, so after some investigation we found out where it lives and last night when it came running round the field doing its usual herding of other dogs, me and Mel managed to corner it and stick a spare lead on its collar (no name tag on its collar either). Anyway we walked the dog round to the address we’d been given as its home and guess what? no body’s in all the doors are closed and there’s no sign of life, so after taking the dog and placing attaching the lead to a fence in there garden we left, closing the gate after us, thinking hopefully now they have a lead that we’ve kindly left them they might actually take it for a walk.

Guess what . . about 2 hours later the same dog appears in our back garden trying to get into our house via the patio doors to get a Blue because she’s in season, this time it didn’t take a lot of effort to catch the dog and I again decided to take it back to its house, but on the way there we bumped into the chav who owns it, who proceeded to apologise for the dog getting out and taking it off me, but you’d think he’d have brought a lead with him at the very least, but no he just grabs it by the collar and starts dragging it along the pavement home . . . well this upset Mel and she proceeded to give him a mouthful telling him he didn’t deserve to have a dog and he should take more care of it if he wanted to keep it, she then let him know that it had nearly caused an accident and about the other near misses the neighbours and other dog walkers had told us about . . . . and all he did was look blankly at us and say he did take it for a walk and that it kept getting out of the garden when he wasn’t there . . anyway Mel informed him that if he didn’t take more care of his dog, someone was probably going to get hurt soon and she was more than willing to report him to either the Dog Warden or the RSPCA if he did’nt do something about it (I actually thought Mel was going to beat it into him at one point).

Mel’s very passionate about dogs and hates to see them being mistreated or not taken care of properly and I do believe she will report him if she sees the dog running loose again, I’m just a little concerned that after the lambasting she gave this chav that one morning I’m going to wake up and find my car tyres slashed or a big key scratch along its side

Watch this space if I do !

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