We’ve got a dog

Well sort of anyway . .
So there i was pulling into the drive, got out of the car and was just going round the back to the boot when a dog appears near the rear bumper, so being the dog lover I am, bent down to say hello, well the dog’s a bit timid and backs off, so say hello and again and she come closer and I start stoking her, anyway grabs her collar to see if there a name  . . . no name or address or anything come to that, so waits thinking the owner will turn up, but still nothing, so gives mel a shout, she comes out and says hello and i tell her what i’ve just told u lot . .

Anyways gets an old tie and uses it as a lead and takes the dog for a walk round the block see if anyone comes looking for her, well nobody does, so takes her home baths her (she was looking like she needed one) and rings the Dog Warden, who it turns out won’t be contactable until Tuesday, so looks like we’ve got a dog for a few day’s, shes a beauty, anyways if no one claims her I think we might have just got the dog we’ve been after for a while…

Shes a cutey aint she

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