Footballers take notice

Well after emailing Trafford Council regarding the Sunday League footballers who continually leave there rubbish on the fields opposite our house, I received a call from the person in charge of the teams that play there, who was very apologetic with regards the “Using the woods as a toilet” incident and has informed me that he’ll investigate the matter and hopefully there will not be a repeat occurrence.

He’s also informed me that he’ll be investigating the rubbish that the teams are leaving behind and has again assured me that this problem should not occur again and if it does I’m to contact him.

So it would seem that contacting Trafford Council does occasionally work, though I won’t be sure it does until a few more Sunday’s have gone by and I see if the footballers are actually taking notice.

On the matter of the Footballers being contacted by Trafford Council . . I was a little disconcerted that Trafford Council had actually passed on my contact details to the people responsible for the Sunday league that plays on Broadway Park, supposing this same person passed on my details to the players and one of them decides he doesn’t like the fact I’ve complained . . I’ll probably end having him leave deposits on my grass instead of the fields

4 thoughts on “Footballers take notice

  1. Surely they have breached the Data Protection Act ? Trafford Council should not have passed on your details to the Clubs concerned, they should have dealt with it and then informed you of the response they received from the Football Club concerned and forwarded copies of any correspondence that they may have received.

  2. There is the option that this is “the relevant department” though. If this contact is directly responsible within the Council, then nothing has been breached. After all, the person you first contacted was probably just a ‘mook’ employed to disseminate information.

    Anyway, well done for making a stand and hopefully improving the recreation facilities.

  3. It would seem that the contact is not employed by the council, he is the guy who is in charge of the particular Sunday League that use the field’s.

    Like Glynis said I myself thought the Council’s particular dept “Parks and Countryside” would have contacted this individual and explained the complaint and then once they had received a suitable response would have contacted me to pass on this information on.

    I’ve sent an email to this particular dept explaining that I was appalled to discover they’d passed on my personal details to the individual in question and am now awaiting a response . . will keep you informed.

    Andy someone had to make a stand, it was getting rediculous the amount of crap they were leaving behind, water bottle’s, food wrappers, gaffa tape, orange peel(ok peel can rot, but still not nice), plasters, carrier bags the lot, but final starw for me was seeing some of them taking a dump in the edge of the hedge and then discarding the toilet paper in the same place, I get fined if I dont clear up my dog’s poo and if I did leave it the football teams would complain about it being on the field, yet they can just take a dump in the same field and we’re supposed to stand by and let em . . come the revolution I will Ban football and make it a crime against the state, punishable by hanging.

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