Another Bank Holiday done and Dusted

Well that was over pretty quickly for a bank holiday, spent the Friday night in with a couple of good video’s, watched a war movie called Saints and sinners, which was pretty cool, supposedly based on actual events that occurred during the Ardennes offensive, then watched a pile of crap called snakes on a plane with Samuel L Jackson, just another crap movie churned out for lads to watch, not even worth discussing to be honest.

As for the rest of the weekend, well on Saturday I went to the Trafford centre and met my mum and sister who’d turned up on a coach trip from Market Weighton, was pretty cool seeing my mum and sister, spent about 2 hrs. with my mum and had lunch with her then left her and her friend Gladys to wander round the centre until there coach came, before she left me though she gave me my birthday present, which soon got spent on a number of 2000AD graphic novels, so plenty of reading ahead for me for a couple of weeks :), also bought my mum a new mobile phone seeing as hers was on its last legs.

After this gave the boys a ring to see if they fancied a drink round Chorlton, most of them we’re not up for it but managed to get Ash, John, Sophie, Lisa and my lovely Mel to come out and join us for a few, started off in the Polar Bar, then on to Abode and finished up at the Revise bar where we saw little Gaz, but managed to avoid him for most of the night, bought a crate of beer then headed back to ours and carried on the party…. last thing i recall was Lisa getting a Taxi home then Sophie getting one for work.

Come Sunday morning there was just me Ash, John and Mel left, John went around 11am after a few hrs kip, then me an Ash settled down for a watch of Kill Bill 1, some point during all this Amanda and her new bloke John turned up, this only occurred after I sent Amanda a text apologising for something I’d done the week before, anyway they crashed here with us till god know what time, it was a laugh though taking the piss out of everyone while we slowly got drunker and drunker, but now its Monday and I’ve just dropped Ash off home so he can get to work and looking at the state of him rather him then me.

As bank holidays go it wasn’t a bad one in all, though it could have done with being a little bit longer, well not to worry theres another one just round the corner 🙂

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