Works 175th Celebrationary Dinner

It would seem that the company I work for are having a Celebratory dinner to mark the 175th yr since the company was founded, its being held at Manchesters Town Hall, they’ve got a comedian and a couple of after dinner speakers there, so it looks like it might be a good night . .  for some . .

Now we’ve all known about this in the office for quite a while even though we we’re’nt supposed to know, we also knew that only Managers and about 4 of the 11 office staff were being invited to it, a number of murmurings were heard around the office when people found out who had been invited and a number of people were disappointed that they had’nt got an invite, especially after working there longer then some who had got invites.

Well this evening I found out that now out of the 18 office staff (19 if you include one who’s been off on sick/compasinate leave), all but 3 (4 if you include one who’s been off on sick/compasinate leave) have now been invited, this I’m guessing is due to suppliers/customers saying they can’t attend, anyway how did I find out your asking yourself . . .  well this evening as I’m about to leave work I get called over by my MD and informed that the companys having this do (we’re not supposed to know remember) and that he’s sorry to say that I won’t be getting an invite along with the other 2 (3 if you include one who’s been off on sick/compasinate leave), the reason being for my lack of invite is that as a member of the IT Team I don’t have any day to day dealings with customers or suppliers, which is fair enough I suppose, but that got me thinking why are the other members of the IT Dept going then . . I’m just hazarding a guess here but I’m pretty sure its something to do with my face not fitting, cause thats the usual reason the MD has for excluding me or for targetting me for shit at work, I’ve also got a pretty good idea why the other 2 have’nt been invited, but thats not for me to say on here, anyway all I can really say is I’m dissapointed, but not surprised.

Well I hope you all have a really good time at the works do and maybe in another 175yrs I might just get an invite . . . well if my faces fits by then that is !

One thought on “Works 175th Celebrationary Dinner

  1. that really sucks. is you’re boss saying that your contribution doesn’t count?

    Look at it fro,m his point of view, maybe the do is costing a load of money and he really cant’ afford a few extra tickets.

    Sounds like your’e boss is a great guy so I,m sure you can’t be thingking he’s an arse? or a tw@?

    Maybe your’e balls are the wrong colour?

    praps you should tell us all the date of this doo and get hundreds of gatecrashers turning up ……… what a great idea, do it vinny!!

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