Why oh Why

Do people keep interfering in my work, I’m setting up 29 new PC’s at work and I’m gettting along just fine and dandy and then I get told that I have’nt installed the companies Screen Saver on the new PC’s yet and that I should make sure that this is done as a priority job once the operating system and the real applications are installed.

Yeah that’s a real important application the company screen saver that’s really going to stop people from working, so I’ve had to create a new image of the system with the screen saver as part of the new image as per instructions from up highm ffs sake what next ?

I was ready to walk today . ..  the same person who noticed that the screensaver was’nt installed then complained that they we’re having a bad day to, because they were having to get involved in everything, well a bit of Advice

“Don’t get involved in something you don’t know and let us just get on with our jobs ?”

I’d have put the screensaver on once I’d set up all the PC’s its not exactly a big job you know

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