Toothache Agony

Its 3.25am and I’ve been trying to get back to sleep after waking up at about 1am with real-bad toothache and nothing seems to be working, the pain/aching is fucking unbearable, tried ibuprofen but still fcuking aches, had 2 so far, now considering a third one

2 thoughts on “Toothache Agony

  1. Have you concidered Clove Oil or Brandy( dabbing on the tooth, not drinking lol) It was one of my Mothers tricks when I was a nipper!!

    Failing that get it taken out at the Dentist!!!

  2. Well Fred I like the idea of Brandy but think I’d end up drinking the bottle and already tried the Clove Oil approach, doe’snt really numbt the pain, but gives my mouth a soothing feeling anyway I now know what the problem is as I’ve been to the Dentist and they’ve told me it’s not tootheache, it’s most likely Sinusitis which is inflammation of the sinuses, they’ve deduced this from the fact I’ve recently been suffering with cold/flu like symptoms i.e. snotty/runny nose etc.

    Dentist recommended strng painkillers and if it does’nt clear up by the end of the week to visit my Doctor, so it looks like Ibuprofen all the way until then.

    Anyway going back to bed now and try and get some sleep as got none last night apart from maybe a snatched hour or so

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