Some animals Bricked my Mum’s window

Just spoken to my sister to see if my mum got off to Italy ok this morning, as she’s away on holiday for a week in Rome, during the conversation she informs me that on Sunday night some little scrot decided to throw a house brick through my mums window, thankfully my mum had left for Italy on Sunday morning, so she is’nt aware of it yet, just glad she wasn’t there when it happened, she’s 76 this year and sometimes falls asleep in a chair in the room the bricked window is, image if she had been in there, would have probably given her a heart attack or something . . .

At the moment the Police aren’t interested as there was no one to see who did it, but where hoping the CCTV installed by the Post Office next door might have picked something up, i.e. them walking up with the brick or maybe the sound of the window breaking and then we can see who appears on the CCTV straight afterwards and then maybe the Police might be interested

I can’t believe the mentality of someone throwing a brick through a pensioners window, what posse’s someone to think it might be funny or clever to do something like that, at the moment me and my sister are speculating that it might be some lads my mother reported to the Police a few weeks ago for damaging a load of fencing near her house or some other lads see reported for trying to steal her bike . .  maybe they think of it as some sort of revenge for her reporting them . .  well if I find out who it was and it turns out it is one of this group of lad’s I’ll certainly be planning a little revenge of my own, it won’t be long before we find out who they are, they live in a village with a population of 5,000 gossips or didn’t they know that, pretty soon some one’s going to open there mouth in the pub and my mum’s well liked so it’ll eventually get back to someone who knows us.

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