So what happened then at V then ?

We arrived at V around midnight Friday night after queuing for about an 1hr just to get into the place and after numerous phone calls and much persuasion we managed to finally get everyone to turn up at the car park to help lug the large quantity of Alcohol we’d managed to stuff into the back of the beamer over to the campsite everyone had chosen, this was an effort in itself as it was miles away, but we got there in the end.

Thankfully as promised Andy had kindly set our tent up for us, so there was nothing else to do but kick back with some beer and start abusing each other much to the annoyance of some of our neighbors, I blame all this on Ash, though give him credit he did go round in the morning telling all the campers around us to keep the noise down in future, which probably confused them even more.

Anyway after consuming something that resembled a bacon sarnie (£4 for a mange butty) from one of the food stalls near the campsite, we headed down to the arena, now I always thought at festivals you were allowed to bring your own beer into the arena’s but not at V, as soon as you start to que the security start letting you know that can’s/bottles of beer will not be tolerated, so it was a case of either leave your cans in the bin provided or see how much you can neck while qaiting to get in, as you guessed most people tried the latter, though a few of our group did managed to sneak a fair bit of booze in without being seen (Andy and Mel ya a star).

To be honest can’t remember much about wondering round the arena once we’d got in there except for when we were treacherising John, band wise again can’t really recall who we saw, though I do recall seeing Sophie Ellis Bexter at some point and The Fratellis, Kasabian and The Killers (though this might have been Sunday as the day’s just seemed to blend into each other).

Spent most of Saturday just wondering from Tent to tent buying stupidly priced bottles of Carling (£3.10-3.30 a bottle) and avoiding the rain, at some point we must have headed back to the tent, but can’t honestly remember getting back to them, though I do recall being awoken by the dulcet tones of the pissed up girls arriving back in the early hours.

Sunday morning woke to discover that the rain had turned the festival into a bit of a quagmire and that last nights drinking had come knocking with a furious hangover, which was thankfully soon cured with a Sausage sarnie curtisy of the lovely Stockport/Manchester campers next door , who even after experiencing our abusive nature have requested to meet up with us one night for a session round Manchester (so get in contact).

So after washing the remains of the sarnie down with some Strongbow we donned our wellies and waterproofs and slurped our way back to the arena, this time intending to actually see some bands rather then just hear them in the distance, this time we managed to see Snow Patrol, Jack Johnson, James, Primal Scream and Mr Hudson and the Library (these being the best I thought), even managed to acquire some wristbands to get backstage to meet Mr Hudson, though Ash was more into wanting to make babies with him, and this might have happened if Ash had’n needed to go for a piss 1/2 way through queuing up, only to return minutes later and be told sorry mate the signing sessions finished, really though Ash was gonna kick off at this point, but with the intervention of the girls we managed to drag him away before he got ejected.

Our V ended around 10:00-10:30pm after we saw part of Primal Scream’s set (the rest of the group had headed over to see the Foo Fighters) as we had to head home as I was unlucky enough to be at work this morning, actually glad we did head home as we both needed a good hot bath and a warm bed after all the rain that we endured over the weekend, as for the rest of the crew they apparently partied on into the early hours of this morning finally returning home at around 3:30pm today.

Highlights of the Weekend

Finding our Tent put up
Fran the nice lady who gave me the Brandy when I was pissed off in the carpark
Fran getting a ticket
Ash being abusive and asking all the female campers if they wanted to play the take ya t-shirt off game
Ash being gaffa taped up
John and Ash abusing each other
Me and Mel making up after a kick arse argument in the car park
Primal Scream
Mr Hudson and the Library
Snow Patrol
The Killers
Our Next Door Neighbors
Our Beer
Snogging Ash
Finding something we’d lost
Abusing people over the walkie Talkie’s
Seeing Tony
The Predator at Work
The Mud
Meeting nice people
Mudding Ash up

Low Points of the Weekend

Me and Mel arguing
Losing Something (Found it on Sunday though)
The Rain
The Mud
The Cold
Expensive shitty food from the stalls and high priced beer
Security giving me jip for wearing a fluorescent coat (Apparently I might get mistaken for one of them)
Not being allowed beer in the Arena
Seeing Tony
Not having gaffered up John

Plenty more happened over the weekend, but to protect the innocent and the abused I can’t really tell you about that, anyway it was a good festival, but what made it really good was going with good friends

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