Seems I’m not the popular guy I thought I was . .

You got through life sometimes with your eyes wide shut thinking that being a nice to people will just reciprocate itself by them being nice to you . .  but this doesn’t work in the real world, you soon discover people have hidden agenda’s or have opinions about people who they think they know, but in fact they know nothing about them.

I have a hidden agenda’s and I’m quite happy to share it with you all: “Its not to have a hidden agenda” and thats all it is.

I’ve spent to much of my life surrounding myself with people who I thought were friends to slowly discover that a lot of them are there either for a free ride or to get close to those I know, I like to think that I’m a good judge and can now spot these sorts of people, but even I get fooled sometimes.

So why am I rambling on about this you wonder, well recently I discovered that people who I’ve thought as friends have actually never really liked me at all, seems they’ve just been playing me along, but I now know this , I’m actually glad I know this now, because recently I myself have had 2nd thoughts about these friends and just thought I was being paranoid and I actually felt guilty about it, but thankfully I’ve been proved right.

But it’s still quite sad to discover something like this, especially as you grow older and supposedly wiser, friends are something that I’ve always valued, people I’ll go out of my way to help and assist if I can, people I want close when times get hard or when you need someone to be there for you.

Anyway enough about that, just wanted to get it off my chest . .  and now I have, so time to move on I think

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