Porn & Software Comment Spammers . .

seem to be on the increase on the blog at the moment, in the last 24hrs askimet has spotted and stopped about 30+ Spam comments being posted, nearly all of these were links to what I can only guess where very dodgy porn sites (why else post them on an anonymous blog ?), though there were about 3 that had links to software site’s, again these no doubt will have been dodgy to.

Wonder if the amount of spam a blog gets determines its position in the world of blogging, maybe theres a Spam Scale/Table somewhere, which when you hold up against it the amount of spam your getting say in a  6 month period, shows you what popularity position you have with spammers, I’m guessing a blog like mines pretty low, but looking at the increase, perhaps I’m due a some sort of Spamquake (Level 9 on the Spam Scale/Table).

Hopefully because my blog takes a record of the Spam Commenters IP address, I should be able to add them to my Bannage preferences within WordPress and thus prevent them from spamming me again.

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