My Nigerian Friends are back

Well got another email from some of my friends in Nigeria letting me know once again that I could be in for a nice windfall of money, this time however no-ones died and left it to me, something I’m quite happy about as it’s not nice to receive money because someones died.

So if no-ones died where’s the money come from, well it seems that some  was destined to be paid to me as part of a contract award was in a bank for a long time and it acquired a hefty amount of interest while it was in there and the nice Bank Manager thinks that I should get it as he thought it unfair that Ididn’t get the contract, so he’s decided to give it to me, isn’t that sweet.

Anyway heres his nice letter in its entirety, notice the excellent grammar and construction of the letter, its hard to believe that English is his first language . .

International Remittance Dept
HSBC Bank plc
8 Canada Square
London E14 5HQ

Attn: Beneficiary


I am Mr Parry Jones, the Int’l Remittance Director of HSBC Bank Plc London

Sometime ago, in our bank your contract money was brought to our bank from WEST AFRICAN FOREIGN CONTRACT PAYMENT PANEL AND AFTER SOME PERIOD, THIS MONEY WAS TAKEN BACK to their treasury. For the period of time this money was in our bank, it generated an interest of US$1,000,000.00 which we considered your long suffering by not receiving your contract payment and decide to pay you this interest fund via ATM Card.

Right now, we have arranged your payment through our ATM Swift Card Payment and below is the procedure. The swift card center will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money from any ATM machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is US$10,000 (Ten Thousand US Dollars only) per day, so if you like to receive your fund this way please do let us know by contacting us once you receive this mail with the below stated information’s.

1) Full Given Name:
2) Addresses where you want them to send the card.
3) Phone and Fax numbers
4) Your Company and Position

As a matter of fact we don’t have enough time to waste since we have wasted time in contacting our respective customers, so try and comply with the entire necessary requirement for remittance.

Expecting your immediately response.

Best Regards,

Mr Parry Jones
Int’l Remittance Director
Hsbc Bank London
Tel: +447024076241

Oh how these Nigerians make me laugh with there promises of money, why should I a rich westerner need such money when the street over here are paved with

3 thoughts on “My Nigerian Friends are back

  1. Have to agree with House of Husae, you are very luck to be a Very RICH Westerner. Wish I was as lucky & rich as you…..

  2. Nothing to do with it I expect, much the same way as me borrowing money off mum has nothing to do with you. . . .

    So shall we leave it that then or do you wish for it to continue . . .

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