Lifes to short to worry . .

and here I am worrying about who at work will get the old computers were giving away . .

Why are we giving them away ?

Well we’ve recently upgraded all our PC’s and all the old one’s have been sat around taking up space and now I’ve been given the go ahead to get rid of them, to in effect give them away to the workforce, now herein lies the problem that’s worrying me, how do I decide who gets one and who doesn’t.

My idea was to find out who doesn’t have a computer at work to give them to them, but I’ve been warned that this will upset the people who don’t get one, even though they have computers they’ll feel left out, but whats the point in giving a computer to someone who already has one ?

Thing is I was tasked with this job and everyone else is giving me advice on how to best get rid of them, need to remind them that it’s my job not there’s, so let me deal with it my way and if it causes friction then thats my problem and not anyone else’s.

Thank god I’ve only got another 4 days before I go on holiday and then I can forget about it all for a week.

So any of you lot out there got any ideas on how to get rid of 20 PC’s without upsetting the whole company, feel free to post your answers in the comments section.

2 thoughts on “Lifes to short to worry . .

  1. You could give everyone a raffle ticket and then get the tea girl or junior staff member to pick the 1st ticket out of the hat and then the one who wins then picks out the next ticket and so on. That way you will hopefully not be blamed at to who gets a pc.
    Those who have pc’s and gets one from you donates their old pc to someone in the office who has not got one….

    I much prefer the 1st idea in that everyone has a chance of winning.

    You could have a competition of sorts, best holiday snap, unusual snap,

    Just a few ideas there for you to mull over.

  2. I was going to suggest something along the lines of Glynis’first idea – do a raffle. Don’t try to be smart by excluding anyone you think or know has a computer already, that’s not your concern. If anyone wins but doesn’t want it keep picking tickets.

    I wouldn’t do the competition cos it leaves you open to suggestions that you’ve favoured someone or other.

    Keep it simple and make sure no-one gets excluded. that way theyv’e got notheing to moan about

    Your place sounds great place to work. Got any jobs going there?

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