Gunchester Returns

Well after watching the news tonight, it would seem that Manchester is having a competition with London to see who can have the most shootings in the 1st Quarter of the year, think Manchester’s winning on the shootings, but London’s leading on the killing’s . . maybe we should just invite both groups of Gun toting gangsters to a shot out at the G-Mex, that way we can rid both London and Manchester of 2 sets of idiots.

Speaking from experience of buying and selling drugs in my ill spent youth, I never once had the inclination to pick up a gun and shoot someone, for a start I would’nt have even known where to get hold of a gun let alone use one, what posse’s someone to actually pick up a gun and use it to take a life is beyond me. Killing someone just because they dissed you or happen to be in your manor is something that should have disappeared with the like fo the Krays, but instead of disappearing it found new growth in teen gangsters, kids who think that by owning a gun and being able to kill someone makes them someone, all it does is breed more violence and that violence will one day catch up with them, lucky for me I saw the light and put myself back on the straight and narrow, it might not be an exciting straight and narrow I admit, but at least I know with a fair enough amount of certainty that I are’nt going to end up on a mortuary table with a gunshot wound, I know tomorrow when I walk to work I don’t have to be constantly looking over my shoulder, worrying that it might be my last day.

I’m quite lucky in where I live in Manchester that there are’nt that many gun crimes near to me, though I’d be lying if I said that there had’nt been any, I think in total theres been 2 armed robberies at the local Off Licence and one shooting nr the Moss Vale pub, some poor lad was shoot through his front room window while chatting to his girlfriend, I seem to recall also that the Spar shop has had its fair share of robberies to, maybe people are right in thinking that society in general is degenerating to a level where gangs will one day rule he street’s, but as long as there are people out there who are willing to carry on working and trying to lead a normal life, maybe we can stop that degeneration before it becomes to far gone.

Tony Bliar annouced today that they were introducing new laws to help prevent gun crime, maybe that will work maybe it won’t, but maybe the govt and Police shoudl be targeting the people who are providing these guns to the teen gangsters, coming down heavier on the dealers of death, thus preventing these guns falling into childrens hands.

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