Shock . . my wallet nrly cried

So as you may have seen a few days ago I posted that we’d had to take one of our pet rats Ruby to the Vets to have a Tumour removed ( at a cost of £118), the operation was a success and she was given stiche’s . . . however rats being rats, she decided she did’nt like them and proceeded to chew them out, well after 2 more visits and a 3rd set of stiche’s, the Vet decided that some glue might help . . .
(Cost for putting Ruby under and applying stiches about £12 a pop = £36)

Oh no Ruby thought glue wont work and proceeded to chew most of the glue out and the remaining stiche’s (Cost for putting Ruby under and applying glue and new stiches £12). . .

well as we were going on holiday the next day we really had to get someone to look after her incase she had to visit the vets yet again, luckily we managed to find a vets in Chorlton that runs a sort of Holiday service for rodents, so we took her there and explained everything that had happened and how she kept taking the stiche’s out, so after checking her over and signing a consent form, we left her there . . (cost to house Ruby until we got back from hols about £3 a day 7 days = £21)

Well we eventually picked her up on Monday 2 days later then we expected and was informed that she’d again chewed out her stiche’s and that the vet had decided to apply surgical staples to the area, in the hope that this would work(Putting Ruby under and applying Staples £40), , but alas Ruby proceeded to chew around them and they litterally fell out, so it was decided that the best option was to manage the wound/operation area as an open wound i.e. keeping her and the wound clean until it scabbed and sealed . .

This actually worked and now thankfully the wound has healed . .

So in vet bills alone she so far cost us £227

Now add the price of the cage we had to buy for her after the original operation to seperate her from her sister while she healed £22

So Ruby has turned into our most expensive rat yet at a cost of £249 quid, not bad going for a rat that originally only cost me


Its at time like this i feel like crying . . .

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