Phoenix has a good prognosis

Some more news on Phoenix the poor dog set on fire for entertain by three Greek children :

Phoenix getting some love at last

Phoenix getting some love at last

She’s now arrived at the Veterinarian University Hospital in Thessaloniki and the following was posted on the  Facebook wall of original Veterinary Practice that she first arrived at :


Phoenix is undergoing treatment at the Veterinarian University Hospital in Thessaloniki. His doctor,Mr.Papazoglou,informed us today that although approximately half his body has been burnt,he will heal completely.This,will require his treatment until Christmas and he will probably have to undergo surgery so that he will recover his full mobility.In the immediate future specialists will address the issue of his burnt eye,which had been injured in the past and whose condition was exacerbated by the unfortunate incident last week.We are really grateful to Katerina,Phoenix’s guardian angel,for her help and support at this trying time.Phoenix,things will work out!

I’ll continue to post any further news on Phoenix’s recovery that I find and ask all the people who read the blog, to think about him and send healing thought , because this dog deserves them.

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