It’s been so sad & quiet in the house since Blue passed over the Rainbow bridge, she is still deeply missed by both Mel and myself, but we think it’s now time to give another Cane Corso a loving home & so we have…
Allow me to introduce you all to Lola a sweet little 18month old black Cane Corso who’s now been resident in the It’s a Blog Not a Log ! Household for the past 3 weeks
- Lola settling in for belly rubs
- Lola Pallola
- Lola getting more belly rubs
- I just want to be loved
- Mmmm I smell something
- Her Rescue photo
- Lola has eyes only for us
- Cutie Pie look
Hopefully as she starts to come out of her shell, expect to see a few more posts in the coming weeks/months/years of this little rescue girl and her adventures with Vince and Mel
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