Cane Corso UK Molosser Rescue Funday Dog Show

As you’ve probably seen on my blog, we adopted a Cane Corso called Lola last October from a wonderful rescue in Bedfordshire called Cane Corso UK & Molosser Rescue run by a wonderful woman called Lulu Black.

The Cane Corso UK Molosser rescue rely’s on donation’s to survive and function and as such it holds a Fundraiser every July, where it holds a Fun Day dog show.  The rescue encourages all owners of dogs adopted from the rescue to come down to the event so that Lulu and supporters of the Rescue can see how the dog’s are getting on in their new homes and it also gives visitors the opportunity to chat with the owners about adopting a rescue dog.

So last Saturday myself, Mel and Lola packed up the car with goodies and set off down to Bedfordshire.

The journey itself was fairly uneventful and we arrived shortly before the event started, met up with Lulu and said our hello’s, it was during these hello’s that Lulu let us know that the people who normally run the Barbecue had been unable to make it to the event, so without further ado, me and Mel volunteered ourselves to help out.

At the best of times it’s not easy to work with your partner, but after a few failed attempts at getting a routine worked out to minimise the time and fuss to make Hot Dogs and Cheeseburgers, we eventually got it down to pat and were dishing out food in no time.

I think in the end we sold about £350 pounds worth of Barbecued food in 6hrs or so, and met nearly everyone who attended, think this was obviously down to probably serving food to everyone who was there 🙂

During all of this Lola behaved impeccably and sat herself down under the table, think this was down to the relentless sun and the table was probably the most shaded place there.

In-between serving food to and meeting people we got the chance to enter Lola in a couple of the rounds of the dog show, she entered :

Best Mastiff – Unfortunately she didn’t place anywhere

Best Resuce – She came 2nd to Hattie the Neapolitan (Well deserved win)

Prettiest Bitch – She came 3rd

So she went home with two Rosettes, which wasn’t to bad, considering she was being a “Stubborn” as Lulu called her, she wouldn’t walk round the ring unless Mel was in sight of her.

I managed to take quite a few pictures while we were there, if you went on the day, hopefully you might just find yourself and your dog on one of them.

As you can see it was a very popular day, with lots of Cane Corso and other Molosser breeds in attendance, there was also a Working Dog display from 5K Security showing their dogs working with a bite suit and other bite work, unfortunately didn’t manage to get any photo’s of this, was to busy serving Burgers lol . .

The event began to wind down around 5:00pm and we left shortly afterwards to make the journey back up to Manchester, can honestly say we all enjoyed the opportunity to meet other Cane Corso owner’s and their beautiful dog’s, hopefully we made a few new friends over the day and look forward to meeting them again at future Cane Corso UK Molosser Rescue events, maybe after reading this we might see you their next year.

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