My advice to anyone out there if you have direct debits set up with companies for telephone’s/cable/broadband or anything infact, check your bill and if you think your being overcharged ring them up and ask them to go through your bill with you.
I just did this tonight with my VirginMedia bill as I thought that for the past couple of months my bill’s have been pretty steep for the services I have and after telling them them exactly what services I had they agreed, it seems that last year I had some extra packages added to my account, which should have upgraded me to a VIP Package costing £85 a month, well it turns out this did’nt happen, what happened was instead of being billed as a bundle, they’d been billing me as individual packages which raised the price up to nearly £140 a month, well I pay by direct debit so very rarely check my payment details on my bank account, but after recieving a bull today from Virgin Media for £152, I decided to check over past bills and saw similar direct debits to them.
Anyway Carol in customer services has spoken to her manager and they’ve agreed that I should be credited this money, so in the next couple of day’s I’ll be getting a call to tell me exactly how much they owe me, at present she reckon’s it will be well over £400, which will come in dead handy to help pay for the tiling in the bathroom and also maybe go towards the cost of a hot tub 🙂
So go check your bill’s and if there to high, find out why, it only costs a telephone call
A few comments,
1 – why the f^ck dont you check your bills/bank statements???
2- £85 a month to watch TV ?????? Man you must be made of money. if you got any spare give it to me
3 – bearing in mind the fact your so financially inept, you got a bargain with the bull for £152 and when did virgin start selling cattle??