Got a nice surprise on Saturday, was intending on possibly heading to Leeds to watch James Holroyd play a gig, but spotted a mate was after finding the way to Bowlers to see The Happy Monday’s play a gig.
So on the off chance he had a spare ticket I offered to drive him there for a ticket, unfortunately turned out he didn’t have a spare ticket as he was on the guest list, but fortunately for me another friend spotted my post who just happened to have a plus one left on their guest list place.
Thanks Alison 🙂
Actually never been to Bowlers on one of there “Rave” nights and got to admit it, quite enjoyed it alot, saw plenty of folks I’d not see for a while and met quite a few new ones as well.
The evenings partners in crime where the lovely Sandra, Alison, Melissa and Kim Shady…
Bumped into the lovely Catherin Haslam and was introduced to her husband Dave Haslam, very nice man indeed, managed to snag a photo with him for my ever growing “Me with a DJ” photo collection, then spent the rest of the evening doing my best impersanation of me 20yrs ago having a dance like a mad bastard… think I pulled it off quite well and obviously still have all the moves 🙂
Anyway here’s a few photo’s from the night in question.
- Jeremy Healey
- Glitter Moustache and Beards
- Rowetta
- Bez
- Bez
- Shaun Ryder
- Happy Chappie
- Sandra and Alison
- Clint Boon
- Clint Boon again
- me and Dave Haslam – Nice Man
- Me & me Julies
- Dave Haslam and his Julies