Why do parents let their children damage trees . .?

I’d love to know, because we’ve spent the last few months telling the local kids to stop climbing and breaking the branches on a small tree on our close, we’ve told them we’ll contact the council and the Police etc and do they pay any attention . .  No they don’t

When their parents do finally get involved, they tell us “Whats the problem . .  its only a tree”

That’s the mentality of these parents, they can’t see that their kids are destroying a living breathing life . .

They’ve even told their kids to ignore us when we tell them to stop climbing it and we’ve been told that if we take photos of the kids climbing/damaging the tree, they’ll report us to the Police for taking photo’s of their kids.

Thing is it’s not illegal to take photos of children in public places/spaces, secondly its to report criminal damage, what is illegal however is criminal damage to public property, which the tree is, it’s been planted by the local council for the public, not for your kids to destroy.

Since I’ve had a run in with the parents of these kid’s a few of my other neighbour’s have started to ask them not to climb the tree, I’m hoping others will also, then hopefully the parents will start to realise that not everyone’s happy with the way their kids behave and they’ll start to do something about it.

I might even start an adopt a tree scheme on the close and get some of my neighbours involved, the local council give the tree’s for planting and then the local residents adopt them, this might help prevent the kids damaging the tree’s or at least give me back-up when I ask the parents to stop their kids doing any further damage to the trees that are already there.



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