Quit Smoking Day 18 – New Champix Side Effects

I’ve now been smoke free for 18 days . .

During this smoke free period I’ve experienced various side effects brought on by the Champix, these have varied from :

Forgetfulness and Confusion (keep mixing people’s names up or forgetting what I was just doing)

Vivid Dreams and Sleep Talking ( keep waking my partner Mel up in the middle of the night with my screaming)

Flatulence (Thank fully no one has had to suffer this, as there’s plenty of warning, so have managed to avoid embarrassment)

and now today I’m suffering another side effect, bouts of Nausea and headaches, also getting a weird metallic taste in my mouth, which if anything is exasperating the feeling of nausea.

Out of all the thus far mentioned side effects, these are by far the most annoying and distracting of the lot, finding it very hard to concentrate on anything at the moment, even typing this blog post is quite difficult, I keep getting waves of nausea that just slam into me.

I’ve tried eating something to settle my stomach, but that doesn’t seem to be working and had a couple of Anadin for the headaches, hoping if these work the nausea might sub-side a little, fingers crossed.

So if anyone else has used Champix and suffered these effects and managed to find a way to kick the nausea into touch, please post in the comments section, as I don’t think I can spend the work day feeling this shitty . . .

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